We hope this continually growing page will serve to connect people throughout the state to our wonderful fiber resources. If you would like your fiber related event, business, or skill set included please email info@valleyfiberarts.org with your contact information and a short description.
Alaska Fiber Producers
Hope Farm and Fiber offers Cormo Rambouillet and Tunis Corriedale fleeces, You can contact Natalie Wolfe at 907-312-3107 or by email at gnat71@yahoo.com.
Rocking Ewe Farm offers Suffolk and Suffolk cross fleeces. You can contact them at eagb.art@hotmail.com, on Facebook Messenger, or by calling the owner Rita Gelino-Bequette at 907-232-9438 or Emily Gelino-Bequette at 907-232-9409.
Tower Ranch offers fine wool fleeces from a variety of breeds. They have white and natural color fleece. They coat their sheep to keep the fleece clean and beautiful. You can find more information on their website and you can contact Michelle Olsen at 907-354-4184.
Alaskan Fiber Mills and Processors
Coyote Trail Farm & Fiber We process all types of animal and plant fiber to roving and yarn. Custom blending and dyeing available. You can contact Kate Wattum by email at coyotetrail@yahoo.com or by phone at 907-699-3262.
Alaskan Fiber Businesses
Becca’s Alpaca offers Barn to Yarn alpaca yarn, hand-dyed yarn, alpaca wearable products , hand-spun yarn, hand-knit items. Open Monday – Friday 11am – 5:45 pm They are located at I05 E Arctic Palmer, AK 99644
Dancing Skies Fiber Arts I offer hand dyed fiber and yarn as well has hand knit hats and faux fur pompoms. You can contact Somer Snider via her website.
Dragonfly Creations offers prepared fiber for spinning. Batts, rolags, and roving are available using multiple different fibers. Tracey also teaches fleece preparation and fiber blending classes in Palmer and Wasilla. You can contact Tracey at dragonflycreationsak@gmail.com.
Fiber N’ Ice is a leading yarn shop in the Matsu-Valley, conveniently located next to Lowes and the UPS in Wasilla, Alaska. We strive to provide great customer service along with a variety of fiber arts supplies and classes for our guests.
Julz Naturals offers Needle and wet felting supplies, bling fibers, a variety of wool locks. Juliet also offers classes. You can contact Juliet Bartolo at julznaturals@gmail.com.
The Tangled Skein is a yarn and fiber shop located at 11753 Celestial St Eagle River AK 99577. Yarn and fiber shop, macramé, weaving, spinning, knitting, crocheting and classes. You can contact Roberta Renk at thetangledskein@mtaonline.net.
Working Wood Productions has handcrafted Fiber Arts Tools by John Ziv. Tools for weaving, spinning, cord-making, and more!
Yule Farm is a place for people who love to create. Our workshops will cover a variety of mediums taught by various artisans. Workshops will be held for beginners and experts alike.
Alaskan Fiber Experts/Mentors
Members are provided contact information for other members willing to mentor in a variety of fiber arts! We hope to see you join our group as this information is only available in-person.
Alaskan Fiber Events
The Valley Fiber Arts Guild has events year round. Please check out our What’s Happening Page.
The Mat-Su Valley Fiber Festival is a non-profit organization of artists, producers, and teachers who are dedicated to sharing their love of all things fiber. From the animals who grow it to the finished garments, we have something for everyone.
The Anchorage Weavers and Spinners Guild is a non-profit organization dedicated to the encouragement of the fiber arts in Alaska. The guild seeks to promote the exhibition of fiber arts and to inform its members and the public through lectures, workshops and craft demonstrations.
The mission of the Fairbanks Weavers’ and Spinners’ Guild (FWSG) is to connect fiber artists across Interior Alaska and build community through practice, teaching and learning in the arts of weaving, hand spinning, and related textile arts.
The Fireweed Fiber Guild has a goal to identify and support the production, processing and promotion of natural fibers from “Agriculture to Art”. They are open to all individuals, and wish to encourage and assist other fiber producers and artists in all areas of their endeavors.