We are so happy to report that the Sheep Breed Study is full.

In this study we will procure 9 raw fleeces from sheep breeds that are not readily available in Alaska. The fleeces are primarily procured from small farms in England and Scotland. Many of the fleeces are from rare, conservation, and heritage breeds.

We will start with raw and unwashed fleeces, and learn the process to prepare the fiber for spinning. The preparation process includes washing, drying, and utilizing either a worsted or woolen preparation method. Once prepared, the fiber will be spun and brought to our next month’s meeting for discussion.

As you go through this process jot down your thoughts on the characteristics of the wool, what you are enjoying about working with it, and how it compares to other wools you have worked with. We will share this information with each other as we work collectively to learn more about sheep breeds in the broader world around us. Maybe you will find your new favorite!

To offset the procurement costs for the fleeces the workshop will be funded through a subscription program for guild members. Each guild member can chose their subscription and either pay monthly or once for the year.

VFAG Meeting ScheduleFleece DescriptionWeight OptionsSubscription Cost
September 2024Jacob – British rare breed.5 oz$5.00 – Plan A
Oxford, United Kingdom1 oz$7.00 – Plan B
2 oz$10.00 – Plan C
October 2024Leister Longwool.5 oz$5.00 – Plan A
Virginia, USA3 oz$7.00 – Plan B
6 oz$10.00 – Plan C
November 2024Castlemilk Moorit.5 oz$5.00 – Plan A
Goshill, England1 oz$7.00 – Plan B
2 oz$10.00 – Plan C
December 2024Cotswold (lamb) – Heritage Breed.5 oz$5.00 – Plan A
Virginia, USA1 oz$7.00 – Plan B
January 2025North Country Cheviot1 oz$5.00 – Plan A
Scotsburn, Nova Scotia, Canada2 oz$7.00 – Plan B
3 oz$10.00 – Plan C
February 2025Gotland.5 oz$5.00 – Plan A
Pennsylvania, USA1 oz$7.00 – Plan B
2 oz$10.00 – Plan C
March 2025Manx Loahgtan – British Rare Breed.5 oz$5.00 – Plan A
Oxford, United Kingdom1 oz$7.00 – Plan B
April 2025Dorset1 oz$5.00 – Plan A
North Carolina, USA2 oz$7.00 – Plan B
3 oz$10.00 – Plan C
May 2025Boreray – Conservation Breed.5 oz$5.00 – Plan A
Kirkwall, Orkney, Scotland1 oz$7.00 – Plan B
Subscription CostsYearly Totals
Plan A$45.00
Plan B$63.00
Plan C total includes Plan B ifno 3rd option is available Plan C$81.00

If you have questions, please contact our Workshop Coordinator at Retreatdiva@gmail.com. You can also come to one of our meetings.

VFAG Member Workshop Sheep Breed Study 24-25 handout

Breed Information Sheets

Sheep Breed Study Information Sheet


Leicester – Longwool

Castlemilk Moorit

Cotswold Lamb
